Change Happens in the Trenches



Beginning in early 2013, Co-Founders Andrew Schmitt and Steve Wolbert, began to think of what gaps need to be filled to help ensure great ideas, led by passionate leaders who don't fail because of their lack of a financial management system or internal bandwidth to find alternative revenue streams. We officially launched in January 2014. We were a determined group that began to learn we do not need to come up with the ideas but if we can fill the gaps that kill people’s dreams, we can make a great impact. You know…the fun stuff. 

We have two areas of focus: people and organizations. It is the combination of the two that help us realize our mission “to empower people and organizations to do great things.” We meet people and organizations where they are at, develop a plan for where they want to go, walk together, and ensure they have the tools that provide peace of mind. 

Despite our success, we are committed to constantly refining our approach and services to meet the ever-changing needs of our partners. Through our participation in the Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship at Santa Clara University’s Social Enterprise Accelerator Program, we have refined our business model and approach to drive even more ROI for our partners. We are proud of the work our team has done to get to this point, and we are optimistic about how we will continue to make an impact in the future.

“SIPI is a platform for change. We provide hope where most people aren’t looking.”

– Steve Wolbert, SIPI CEO

Our Partners

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